Joint Commissioning Bulletins

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The Council for Disabled Children regularly receives questions from SEND Regional Leads and delegates from the regional SEND workshops on a whole series of issues relating to the SEND reforms and joint commissioning. The joint commissioning bulletins are designed to share the learning from those discussions to a broader audience.

The bulletins have now been published and can be downloaded below. They cover:

  1. Identifying the responsible CCG commissioner to support local delivery of the SEND reforms
  2. Identifying the responsible commissioners for the core functions of a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist and physiotherapist
  3. Applying an outcome based approach to commissioning
  4. Promoting personalisation and access to personal budgets
  5. Personalisation, development of personal budgets and Integrated Personalised Commissioning
  6. Accelerated working group – data and information sharing

Supporting resources:

  • Plan on a page to promote personalisation for SEND