Liberty Protection Safeguards – System Readiness Tool

Caroline Coady, CDC
Caroline Coady, CDC
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As part of CDC’s role as Strategic Reform Partner to the DfE, and building on the learning from a series of regional Social Care and SEND learning and development networks and national Designated Social Care Officer (DSCO) Community of Practice events, it was identified that local authority children’s social care services needed support to begin or progress on their journey to implementation of the Liberty Protection Safeguards as they apply to children and young people aged 16 and 17.

What is it for?

The purpose of the tool is to support local authorities in ensuring effective implementation of statutory duties in the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019: Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) which come into force in April 2022.

How to use it?

The tool pulls together in one place the key pieces of evidence that a local authority will wish to assure itself on and aims to give a high-level overview of its progress. The questions are divided into 5 of the key areas of a local authority’s role in implementing the LPS as they apply to children and young people aged 16 and 17.

It is in 2 parts, the first is focused on strategic planning and engagement including:

  • Leadership; and
  • Identification and Data.

The second is focused on operational planning and implementation including:

  • Information and Awareness;
  • Assessments and Plans;
  • Workforce Development.

This information is presented in an easily accessible “at a glance” RAG review rating system to update the relevant local authority on progress in implementation. It also includes a facility for a follow up audit which enables the responsible local authority officer to demonstrate trends in terms of implementation and flag up any areas which are not moving towards full compliance.

RAG rating scores and trend description options can be chosen from a drop-down menu as can the name of your local authority.

How to access it?

The tool is in Microsoft Excel. To receive a copy of the tool , you need to complete the LPS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) , sign and send back to Thamara Moncada , Project Assistant Social Care at CDC on

Once you have received the tool you will also be sent a link to a short survey to gather data on progress at each audit.

In addition, you will be added to our LPS online forum where you will be able to connect with other local authorities using the tool and share learning.