System Checklist/Audit Tool

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The system around SEND is complex and multi-layered which can result in Local Areas working in siloed ways with no clear picture of the impact of their work or a sense of what is happening in other parts of the system. This is limiting the potential to achieve improved outcomes and deliver pathways and services which are efficient, relevant and confidently meeting the needs of the local population of children and young people with SEND.

The Council for Disabled Children developed a simple tool which provides local areas with a framework for assessing their progress towards effective joint working. Aimed at strategic colleagues, the checklist prompts a RAG rating against key indicators under the following headings:

  • Leadership
  • SEND Arrangements
  • Support
  • Engagement and co-production
  • Impact

Once a RAG rating has been completed against each of the subheadings, the tool calculates an overall summary. This can be repeated to provide a progress score for comparisons with the original baseline.

The system checklist can be used alongside further CDC resources to support the implementation of an outcomes-based approach to commissioning and the proactive use of data.

Although this tool was developed to provide assurance at Place Level (Local Authority) footprints, there are a series of prompts related to the relationship with the Integrated Care Board(s) and ways in which SEND related business at Place relates to SEND assurance at ICB level.