Alternative Provision: exploring the effectiveness of outreach services
This report explores the effectiveness of outreach services which form part of an Alternative Provision offer in four local areas, alongside an outreach service provided by a primary school Pupil Referral Unit (PRU).
Theme: Processes and pathways
Strength: Good
Breadth of Impact: Emerging
Status: Quality Assured
This report explores the effectiveness of outreach services which form part of an Alternative Provision offer in four local areas, alongside an outreach service provided by a primary school Pupil Referral Unit (PRU). All are providing exemplary services, successfully preventing children from being excluded, supporting them to become more effective learners in mainstream schools, and promoting positive outcomes in the short and long term.
To better understand how outreach is operating so effectively, this report focused on the specifics of the provision: what needs to be in place locally for a strong outreach offer, and backgrounding this, what needs to be in place strategically to allow these services to function effectively.
This research was carried out by academic researchers from Warwick Business School at the University of Warwick. This report was commissioned by the Research & Improvement for SEND Excellence (RISE) Partnership who are funded by the Department for Education (DfE).