Effective leadership in complex public services: A narrative review of literature and empirical illustrations

What Works in SEND researchers at the University of Warwick conducted a deep dive on leadership in the SEND system to generate actionable knowledge for those on the frontline of service improvement.

  • Theme: Leadership and accountability
  • Strength: Good
  • Breadth of Impact: Emerging
  • Status: Quality Assured

What Works in SEND researchers at the University of Warwick conducted a deep dive on leadership in the SEND system to generate actionable knowledge for those on the frontline of service improvement. This consisted of:

  • A narrative literature review of the relevant literature focused upon leadership, consisting of 19 reviews, 13 in health or health and social care, three in education, two encompassed a range of public services, and one was in local government.
  • Data gathered in primary studies: Delivering Better Outcomes Together (DBOT); Alternative Provision (Outreach); Middle leadership in the SEND workforce; and Improving inclusion in mainstream schools, encompassing over 120 qualitative interviews, which has provided more detailed insight about leadership specifically for SEND service improvement. These provided actionable knowledge focused upon:
    • How senior leaders can share power and cultivate a values-based SEND system and receptive context for shared leadership when accountability for services may be concentrated with a limited number of individuals.
    • How senior leaders can orchestrate health partners in the SEND system towards SEND leadership.
    • Who represents the most credible leaders in the SEND system (thus whose development we might best invest in).
    • The leadership role of frontline staff in SEND system level service improvement.
    • How leadership practice adapts to changing circumstances.