Using solution-focused pupil support meetings (SFPSMs) to support pupils identified as having social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD): Early intervention at the Year 6/7 transition phase
The author drew upon PCP, solution-focused approaches, and visual reviews to develop solution-focused pupil support meetings. They used three case studies to evaluate these from the perspective of the children and young people, and the adults supporting them (staff or parents).
Theme: Co-productive working with young people and parent/carers
Strength: Robust
Breadth of Impact: Robust
Status: Quality Assured
The author drew upon PCP, solution-focused approaches, and visual reviews to develop solution-focused pupil support meetings. They used three case studies to evaluate these from the perspective of the children and young people, and the adults supporting them (staff or parents).
They found that overall, the impact and the outcomes of the solution-focused pupil support meetings appear to be positive from most of the participants in the research, particularly from the children and young people involved, and when the adults involved have a reasonable understanding of the solution-focused pupil support meetings and its purpose and wholeheartedly take the approach on board.
This grey literature was appraised using a validated checklist. The AACODS checklist provides guidance when dealing with diverse formats of grey literature (Tyndall, 2010). AACODS includes the following items: Authority (who is responsible for the intellectual content) – Accuracy – Coverage (parameters which define the content coverage i.e., reference to a particular population group, or certain type of publication) – Objectivity (identify bias, if it is unstated or unacknowledged) – Date (that confirms relevance of information)- Significance (value judgment in the context of the relevant research area). The checklist can be used for any discipline area and prioritises expert opinion and expertise over source format (Tyndall, 2010).